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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Yesterday was quite a day! I went in to work for a few hours, then met up with Matt, Peter, Allison and her friend Emily, Amber, Kelli, and Kyle to go to Cincinnati for the Celtic World Festival. We had a caravan of three cars, since Amber needed to leave earlier than we did. We got up to Cinci without much incident, and had a really great time. It was especially nice because that particular mix of folks had never really hung out together out of their respective contexts of VBCC or Common Grounds. Of course there was Harp, lots of music and shopping, and of course, an extended visit to the Sneaky Peat booth. The fellow behind the booth, whom I have begun to think of as "Sneaky Peat" himself, was very accomodating, as usual, in giving out generous samples of BBQ made with the Sneaky Peat peat bricks. The samples, of course, were accompanied by a baptismal squirt of Irish whiskey into the mouth of the recipient. You can see photos of this, and the rest of the festival, at my fotopage. After we'd had all we (and our wallets) could handle of shopping, we had a little "Irish" food, then headed over to listen to the band that Matt wanted to make sure he saw, Roger Drawdy and the Firestarters. They were just fantastic! There are also several photos of them on the fotopage. They just played full-out the whole time. Alan might be interested to hear that the lead singer, Roger Drawdy, is a Cork boy, and as such, sang a couple of what he called "rebel songs", songs that told of times the IRA and their ilk had routed the British in battle. All in all it was a great afternoon and evening. Everyone appeared to have a really great time. I was thinking of going to Harrodsburg today with Kyle and Matt and Joseph and some others, but I am supposed to be studying right now. Hopefully we'll all be able to get together later. I guess since I'm supposed to be studying, I'd best get to it. Later! posted by #Debi at 1:26 PM | permalink |
0 comments | Wednesday, September 22, 2004 Yesterday was a pretty cool day for me. I got several of my projects back in my art classes, most of which earned A's. I was really kind of surprised to get an A on my cube project (photos of which can be seen at my fotopage), because I had pegged my 3D design teacher for one who doesn't pass out A's much. I may put some of my other projects up there in the next few days--it'd be a good test of my scanner to see how the images come out. I did a sketch book drawing for my drawing class that my teacher was impressed enough with to tell me I should frame it. It's pretty decent, but I don't know about that. The best thing to happen yesterday was after I got home from church and picked up my mail. There in my mailbox was a check from EKU! I had thought that when I got the big check from them a couple of weeks ago that that was all of my student loan money. But apparently they had held back the $500 of my book voucher to see how much of it I would end up using. I only used about $150 of it, so last night there in my mailbox was about $350! Pretty cool, and I really needed the money right now. That's a car payment plus some spending money for our trip this weekend! Woohoo! We're up to about eight people getting together for the trip to Cinci this weekend. I'm really excited about it. It should be great fun. I'm sure I'll take lots of pictures to share. posted by #Debi at 7:01 AM | permalink |
0 comments | Sunday, September 19, 2004 Another busy week. There's not much to tell at present, just the same old same old, as they say. I've spent the biggest part of the day cutting foam core for a 3D Design class project. It's a low relief sculpture, which sounds very hoity-toity for a bunch of pieces of foam core glued together in layers to form what looks mostly like a topographical map. It's actually harder than it sounds--foam core is bitchingly hard to cut properly, so I had to cut a bunch of the pieces twice, even three or four times to get them just right. I did manage to get it done without cutting the crap out of myself this time, though. The wounds from our last project just finished healing up, so I'm glad not to have to wear band-aids for a while. Speaking of the last project, you can see photos of the finished products on my fotopage, along with some miscellaneous photos taken around campus the first few weeks of school. I even put up a couple of photos from Allison's going-back-to-college party at Matt's back in August. For anyone who is in the area and is interested, the annual Cincinnati Celtic World Festival is happening this next weekend, the 25th and 26th, at Coney Island Park in Cincinnati. We're trying to get a group together to go, probably on Sunday, and I look forward to this festival every year. Lots of good music, good food, good beer, and good shopping to be had. There's usually some great cultural events taking place there, too. If everyone from our group who says they want to go actually goes, we'll end up with a caravan of at least two or three cars. Woohoo! Well, I'm tired and very bored (have been all day), so I guess I'll go think about housecleaning. Maybe I'll actually do some! I also have another drawing to do before Tuesday, but maybe I'll put that off until tomorrow. Fiddle-dee-dee! posted by #Debi at 5:56 PM | permalink |
0 comments | Monday, September 13, 2004 Yay! A quiz! I've been over to Rich's site, since I hadn't been in a while. I got the quiz from him, which he got from the Ex-Witch Forum. Here's my results: Take the quiz: "WHAT RELIGION BESTS SUITS YOU?" Well, some of that is true, except that I don't read the Bible in Greek or Hebrew, although I do have a Greek New Testament that I refer to sometimes. I don't know about that "extremely Christ-like" stuff, but I'm trying. (Btw, I think that the word "armature" should be "amateur". Jesus is the armature, in the sculptural sense, anyway. My brand-new, bigass dictionary [seriously--it's got 2230 huge pages printed really small] defines the sculptural sense as "a skeletal framework built as a support on which a clay, wax, or plaster figure is constructed".) By the way, I'm skipping class today, since I still have this wretched sinus/cold thing going on. I'm gonna try to get a little sleep, then go into work at the regular time. Later! Disclaimer: The site where the quiz is found appears to be more than a little Wiccan in flavor, so if that kind of thing bothers you, you may want to stay away. Fair warning! posted by #Debi at 9:33 AM | permalink |
0 comments | Monday, September 06, 2004 I suppose I should take a few minutes and catch things up to date. This past week was my first full week of classes, and it's been hectic. I'm settling in and getting into the swing of things. I had forgotten how insenstive some professors can be--by "insensitive" I mean not thinking of other people's situations and such (like the fact that some of us work and live off campus--way off campus). Two of my art teachers loaded me down with homework this weekend. My drawing teacher assigned us 20 (or more) drawings, to be done using this stupid "view-finder" thing that's supposed to be a tool to help us draw better, but it ended up just getting in my way. It's a 6" square of plywood with about a 1" diameter hole drilled in the middle. We were to take a compass and make circles to represent the hole in the plywood, then hold up the view-finder and draw what's inside. He had told us at the beginning of the semester that all of our "homework" drawings would be in a sketch book and made us buy one. No problem, I can never have too many sketch books. But, at the end of class, he had us all get sheets of the paper we use in class, which are about 30"x 18". That's what we were to do our sketches on, which meant I had to go out and buy a bigass clipboard drawing surface in order to do the sketches, because he wanted outdoor sketches. I know, WHAAAAAA! I'm sure I'll use it in the future, and it was only $12, and it does fit into my portfolio, so I'll get over it. My other teacher who gave us homework, the 3D design teacher, assigned us to find over the weekend three examples of 3D art, on campus. That meant I had to go back to campus over the weekend, another 70 mile round trip. And, it gets even better--we are supposed to post our examples on the class discussion board on Blackboard, an internet site that the college uses for such things. And, you can't have any examples that are already posted on the board. So, if you aren't the first one posting, you could be screwed. The thing is, he hasn't yet set up the discussion thread so that we can post. So it's looking like I'm gonna have to get up and get over to campus at the butt-crack of dawn, as my coworkers say, to get on a computer and post. I've taken digital photos of about 5 or 6 different examples, so that I've got some backup just in case, but I'm still not totally sure how to use Blackboard and if it will let me post links. This particular assignment is stressing me more than any other, probably because he worded it as though it was a contest. I'm far too competitive for my own good (plus I want to be first to post and not have to look for more examples). I'll be glad when this one is over. So anyway, I'm about to head out to Common Grounds to meet Allison, who's in town for the long weekend. Btw, if you are having any trouble getting online, it's apparently Allison's fault. She told me and Matt last night that she "broke the internet". :^) posted by #Debi at 8:01 PM | permalink |
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