Thursday, June 11, 2009
I've been very sporadic lately on posting here, partly due to being busy all the time, with the overtime I've been getting lately. I'm generally so tired when I get home I forget everything I wanted to write about here. Another factor is the Facebook thing. It's so much easier to write a snippet there, that I generally do that instead of log in here. Also, there's the fact that lately what I want to write about is either spiritual or political, and that's not really the tone I've set for this space. I have another, more private space where I plan to write about spiritual things (shoot me an email if you're interested in reading that and I'll send you the address), and I've been kicking around the idea of starting a political blog. Haven't done that yet, due to the aforementioned time constraints. Anyway, all that to say that I'm taking a hiatus from The Scriptorium for a while. I'll still be reading and commenting on other blogs, and hope to keep posting photos on my flickr account. posted by #Debi at 6:59 PM | permalink |
Debi, include me on the spiritual things and the political ones if you can. I'm not a big fan of Facebook, I get so much crap on there, so I rarely use it. By
10:46 PM Please send me the links to your other (new) blogs. I promise I won't comment on the politics. I'll just read them and grind my teeth. I like to keep up with you. I feel very strongly about politics but I dare not post anything too controversial on my page because of any backlash, especially now that a senior judge here has ruled that bloggers details should be available to the general public. Hope you get paid overtime for all that extra work you're doing! I never did, of course, when I was teaching since it was part of the job. |
Hi, I'm Debi. Once in a while I have a thought and I like to write it down before it goes away. This is where I write it. 100 things about me
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