Saturday, February 21, 2009

I decided to do a bit of comedy Photoshopping today--here are the results:

This may be the only "stimulation" coming from this new bill--don't spend it all in one place...

posted by #Debi at 1:39 PM | permalink | 4 comments


[2nd attempt!]

Thats very good Debi, but who is the little guy in the picture?

An EIGHT dollar bill? Is that a bit of you as well?

By Blogger Keith, at 6:51 AM  

It's a comment on Obama's so-called tax break plan. Rather than actually lower taxes, or give a lump-sum tax rebate, his plan calls for approximately $8/week back in our paychecks. The gov't has actually said that if they give us OUR money back all at once, that we won't spend it to stimulate the economy, but will rather put it in savings or use it to pay down debt. God forbid we should get out of debt!

By Blogger #Debi, at 6:58 AM  

Um, this constitutes counterfeitng. Good luck with that.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:40 PM  

Legal definitions of "counterfeit" (all emphases mine):

1) adj. describing a document, particularly money, which is forged or created to look real, and intended to pass for real. 2) v. to criminally forge or print a false copy of money, bonds, or other valuable documents, intending to profit from the falsity. 3) n. shorthand for phoney money passed for real.

criminal law. To make something false, in the semblance of that which is true; it always implies a fraudulent intent.

I do not intend to pass this off as real money, nor would it hold up to even a passing examination, since it clearly says on the image that it is not legal tender. There is also the "only one side of a bill" thing. The only profit that I would hope to make from this image is that maybe someone will be impressed with my mad Photoshop skilz and offer me a design job. Thus endeth the disclaimer... :)

By Blogger #Debi, at 10:40 PM  

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