Monday, February 23, 2009

There's a new commercial out for Gatorade that I just saw last night. I thought it was clever, so went to the website to see if there was more. Turns out, they had several in a series, which they strung together to make the following mini-feature. It's a shameless ripoff, of course, but at least it's a ripoff of one of the BEST. MOVIES. EVER. IMO...

posted by #Debi at 7:24 AM | permalink | 4 comments


I agree Deb, this is MUCH better than Monty P's version.

In order to stop your whinging I have very kindly put a link to you on my sidebar. (Please send money!)

By Blogger Keith, at 4:02 AM  

I see you have your wish on my blog!

By Blogger Unknown, at 12:31 PM  

I have to admit, John, it made me a bit uncomfortable to see you smacked. I hope it was just a love tap... :)

By Blogger #Debi, at 7:39 PM  

That is too funny!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:31 AM  

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