Sunday, February 01, 2009

I've added more (and better) photos of the ice on my Flickr account, for those who might be interested.

It's been a very busy week this past week; those of us who were able to make it in to work got really worked hard to make up for those who couldn't. In addition, some sort of virus attacked our India facility, where all the claims go for first level processing, so we had to make up for their shortfall as well. I think they have everything fixed now, but I worked at least 9 hours of OT over the past 8 days. Should be a good paycheck, though, and I need one or two of those... I'm pretty wore out, so this will be a short post. Later...

posted by #Debi at 1:06 PM | permalink | 2 comments


Hi Debi

Incredible photos, it looks so cold.

Here, like in Australia, we've got bush fires. Luckily our temperatures haven't been as extreme as Aus though.

Keep warm an cosy, Michelle

By Blogger Mickle in NZ, at 10:30 PM  

Now I know where all our snow went.

Brilliant photos, thanks.

By Blogger Mr Farty, at 5:22 PM  

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