Saturday, January 03, 2009

It seems that Mr. Farty at least is bugging me clamoring for a new post from me, but this will have to do for now. I have plans to post my resolutions for the new year, but first I have to think them up do many important things around here.

So anyway, Ricardipus has posted a quite extensive meme, and I thought I'd placate entertain my reader(s) with that for the moment. Here's the rules: 1. Everyone uses this same list of 99 Things. 2. Feel free to add editorial comments (mine are in square brackets). 3. Change the font of each item according to the legend below. 4. That's it! Simple, really.

Things I’ve already done: boldface
Things I want to do: italics
Things I haven’t done and don’t want to: plain text

99 Things

1. started your own blog [obviously, several of them, but only keep up with this one]

2. slept under the stars [I've always had at least a tent over me]

3. played in a band [If tambourine counts, then I've played in a band. I've definitely sung in a band, though...]

4. visited Hawaii [I'd go if someone I really liked wanted to, and was prepared to foot the bill, but it's not really on my list of places I want to go...]

5. watched a meteor shower [lying in a ditch on the side of the road with about 4 guys, but that's another story...]

6. given more than you can afford to charity [generally, if I give to charity, it's "more than I can afford"...]

7. been to Disneyland/world [the "happiest place on Earth" would just make me crazy with all the people, I think...]

8. climbed a mountain [being in the mountains sounds fun; climbing one, not so much]

9. held a praying mantis

10. sang a solo [ask the Casa Girls about that one]

11. bungee jumped [no thanks]

12. visited Paris [thought about it while in London, but didn't really have the $$$]

13. watched a lightning storm at sea [sounds like fun, as long as it's not a hurricane]

14. taught yourself an art from scratch [I'm very artsy--my mom says I practically came out of the womb sewing, which sounds painful, when you think of it...]

15. adopted a child [again, something I would do for a mate, but not something I would think of on my own, unless a close friend with children died or something...]

16. had food poisoning [not diagnosed, but probably have had a mild case at one time]

17. walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty [do they still let people do that?]

18. grown your own vegetables [grew up with farming parents]

19. seen the Mona Lisa in France

20. slept on an overnight train [something romantic like the Orient Express, maybe--not the "red eye" to Milwaukee, thanks...]

21. had a pillow fight [duh, I'm a girl...]

22. hitch hiked [no thanks, not looking to be serial killed]

23. taken a sick day when you’re not ill [shhh, don't tell :) ]

24. built a snow fort

25. held a lamb

26. gone skinny dipping [does a hot tub count?]

27. run a marathon [boy, wouldn't that be something to see, just before they call the paramedics...]

28. ridden a gondola in Venice

29. seen a total eclipse [sun and moon]

30. watched a sunrise or sunset [both]

31. hit a home run

32. been on a cruise [would love to do an Alaskan cruise, or one of those that go around to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark]

33. seen Niagara Falls in person [as a child, don't remember much about it]

34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors [just the ones a generation or so back :) ]

35. seen an Amish community [seen Shaker communities, but not Amish]

36. taught yourself a new language [I have a bit of Spanish, but didn't teach myself, I had a teacher...]

37. had enough money to be truly satisfied [does anybody?]

38. seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

39. gone rock climbing [been there, not a fan]

40. seen Michelangelo’s David in person [want to with all my heart]

41. sung karaoke [love it, especially seeing the people who expect just another off-key drunk, then I open my mouth...]

42. seen Old Faithful geyser erupt in person

43. bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant [wish I had the money to do this, especially when I see a soldier in uniform]

44. visited Africa

45. walked on a beach by moonlight

46. been transported in an ambulance [just a broken hand in a car wreck; I was a bit embarrassed by all the attention]

47. had your portrait painted [did my self-portrait in painting class--it's not bad, but needs work.]

48. gone deep sea fishing [I'd go along for the ride, sounds like an adventure]

49. seen the Sistine Chapel in person [oh, please, please, please, may I?]

50. been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris [even though I'm a BIG 'fraidy cat with heights, I'd maybe do it for the Eiffel Tower]

51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling [I don't swim well, but think I could maybe do it with "life support"...]

52. kissed in the rain [pretty sure I have, but can't think when]

53. played in the mud [Um, a kid in Kentucky? Where else would we play?]

54. gone to a drive-in theater [there was one down the road from us]

55. been in a movie [why not, sounds like fun...]

56. visited the Great Wall of China

57. started a business [does Amway count? :) ]

58. taken a martial arts class [not really my thing]

59. visited Russia

60. served at a soup kitchen [just last weekend, in fact]

61. sold girl scout cookies [yeah, back in the days when you actually went door-to-door]

62. gone whale watching

63. gotten flowers for no reason [Surely, I must have, but can't remember when. I've given them for no reason, though..]

64. donated blood [sold plasma in college, but I don't seem to have a high enough hematacrit (?) level for them to take whole blood from me...]

65. gone sky diving [no thanks]

66. visited a Nazi concentration camp [That sounds weird to want to visit, but it's important that we remember...]

67. bounced a check

68. flown in a helicopter

69. saved a favorite childhood toy [too late for wishing now]

70. visited the Lincoln memorial [did a "drive-by" on our 1 1/2 hour whirlwind photo tour of DC--would like to do it properly, though...]

71. eaten caviar [it's not really all the hype would lead you to believe...]

72. pieced a quilt [a machine quilt, but I designed it myself...]

73. stood in Times Square

74. toured the Everglades

75. been fired from a job [a couple of times]

76. seen the changing of the guard in London

77. broken a bone [I don't recommend it...]

78. been on a speeding motorcycle [depends on your definition of "speeding", but at highway speeds,yes]

79. seen the Grand Canyon in person

80. published a book [I illustrated it, but my name is on the front cover...]

81. visited the Vatican

82. bought a brand new car [a couple of them--one only had 14 miles on it when I bought it]

83. walked in Jerusalem

84. had your picture in the newspaper [never in the police blotter, though...]

85. read the entire Bible [once, it took me three years on a "plan"]

86. visited the White House

87. killed and prepared an animal for eating [If fish counts, yes. I've been very close when it was done, though--my dad was a hunter and we often had game to eat. I could do it if I needed to, I think, especially the prep part...]

88. had chickenpox [my brother gave it to me for Christmas one year]

89. saved someone’s life [never had to, thank God]

90. sat on a jury

91. met someone famous [Jim Varney used to come to the Spencer Gifts I managed to buy gold jewelry]

92. joined a book club [could be fun, if it were the right one]

93. lost a loved one

94. had a baby [no, thanks--loooove other people's kids, though]

95. seen the Alamo in person

96. swum in the Great Salt Lake

97. been involved in a law suit [does divorce count?]

98. owned a cell phone [Hellooooo, it's 2009...]

99. been stung by a bee

So that makes 43 things that I have done, 41 things that I want to do, and 16 things that I haven't done, and don't really care if I do. By the way, if you're still reading this, consider yourself tagged...

posted by #Debi at 5:34 PM | permalink | 6 comments


Glad you've managed to blog again - I seem to recall that you have been harping on at me to do the same! I saw the Sistine Chapel, and hope to walk in Jerusalem in a couple of weeks time. I've also been to the Great Wall (wonderful experience) and Russia (not wonderful). Slept with someone famous - Joan collins. Sat next to her on a flight from LA to London.
Didn't sleep much - she talked the whole time!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:23 AM  

Aled, please be careful when you're in Israel. I've been hearing some of the news from there, and it sounds pretty dangerous right now.

From what I hear, almost everyone has slept with Joan Collins--she must fly a lot... :) I got told once that I looked like her, but I was not sure whether to be pleased or insulted; after all, I am considerably younger than she...

By Blogger #Debi, at 10:37 AM  

Thanks for the concern, but I'll be OK in Israel. I'm a long way from the troubles.
You most certainly look better than Joan Collins - I saw her after an 11 hour flight. Before the makeup was applied. And then after the fright. You still look better! ;-)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:42 AM  

You're sweet, Aled.

By Blogger #Debi, at 10:49 AM  

Aled - You are Leonard Rossiter and I claim my five pounds.

#Debi - I didn't know about the wanting to do thing or I would have done the same. Dang.

Well done on the soup kitchen.

By Blogger Mr Farty, at 2:23 PM  

Interesting! I did this in December ( if you care to check it out.

Yes, well done on the soup kitchen!

Aled, funny about Joan Collins.

By Blogger Joy, at 7:54 PM  

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