Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have several posts rolling around in my head, but seemingly no time to organize my thoughts enough to post it all lately. There's the one about my New Year's resolutions, which I will still post soon, even though it's nearly February, because some of the resolutions concern how I will use this blog in future. No worries, I'll still be here, just thinking about some areas that I rarely post about in my life that I may post about more in future.

Anyway, this post is about...the weather. Exciting, huh? That's about all I can handle at present, but it has been rather more interesting around here lately, weather-wise. We've had a bit of an ice storm over the last couple of days, as you can see from the photo above and the others which I have uploaded both on my Facebook page and on my Flickr account. It was fun chipping ice off my car in order to get out and do errands (doctor, DMV, that sort of thing), but I did manage to get pretty much everything done that I really needed to do. Then I rented a couple of movies, stocked up on supplies (you know, beer and snacks :)), then settled in for the rest of the afternoon.

Funny story: I got my car all chipped out and ready to go, when one of my neighbors, who had broken his ice scraper trying to get the ice off his windows, asked if he could borrow mine. I don't really know him, but am pretty open-handed with those sort of things, so I gave it to him, said that I was on my way to a doctor's appointment, and he could leave my scraper in front of my apartment door when he was done. Eric, a young man from Cameroon, said that he didn't want to leave the scraper in the hall in case someone stole it before I got home. So he said he would keep it for me, and I should come to his apartment when I got back to retrieve it. I agreed and went on to the clinic. When I got home, I stopped downstairs at Eric's apartment to get my scraper. He had, of course, broken it. I don't know what else I expected, since he had broken his own before borrowing mine. Still, no big deal--they are not that expensive. After handing me back my broken scraper, though, he asked to come in and "hang out" for a while. I really didn't feel like being with people at the moment, and sensed that he wanted more than just to talk, so I declined. Then he asked me when we were going to go out. I'm pretty sure that I'm at least 10 years older than him, 6 inches taller than him, and outweigh him by several pounds. WTF? He was very persistent, and I just kept giving him vague declinations. Turns out, he works for the same place I do, except as a security guard on the overnight shift. When I went in to work today, I asked the day shift guard, a woman, if she knew him and her impressions of him. She basically told me that he would eventually ask me for money. Good luck with that, I haven't got any to give! :)

posted by #Debi at 7:41 PM | permalink | 3 comments


"Hey baby, I broke your scraper. Wanna go out?"

I haven't heard a line that bad in a long time. Glad you found out about him...

For what it's worth, I broke my mom's scraper this morning...when we goin' out?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:14 PM  

I don't know, ask your mom...

By Blogger #Debi, at 10:08 PM  

I'm still laughing about that and shaking my head, too. Wow! What can we say?

By Blogger Joy, at 2:50 AM  

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