Monday, December 08, 2008
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm back, y'all! The guys at the Geek Squad, especially Blaine, are geniuseses. As it turns out, it seems the power supply IS all that was wrong with my computer and, about $200 later, I'm back in business! Now to sort through the 85 emails waiting on my server for my attention...
Well, the part was $100, installation was $50, and the UPC you recommended was $65. It only took about 15 minutes for the actual installation--most of the time I spent was trying to figure out where to get the part, whether to claim it on my renter's insurance, and shipping time. I will say that I'm still a Mac fan--mine is nearly 5 years old, still going strong, and only a lightning strike could even do as much damage as was done to it.
I'm scoring one for the PCs. I've only ever had a PC since before Windows '95 and I've only ever had one virus that was caused by a surge of power in a storm (it allowed the virus to get thru the catcher's mitt). And if my power source died, i could get a new PC tower for as much as your power source. but i guess we love you anyhow. ;)