Monday, March 03, 2003
Well, it was kinda like slowing down on the interstate to gawk at the fender-bender, but I did it--I watched "Married By America" tonight. BTW, what a lovely, professional-looking website that is--not! I won't watch any more of it unless under duress, but I just had to see what all the fuss was about. Granted, I'm no beauty queen, but there must be some deep fundamental flaw in that many good-looking folks who can't find a mate and are desperate enough to go on TV and advertise that fact.
Our first VBCC "Thing" was Saturday night--I posted a brief synopsis on The Vine yesterday. Alan's got some good photos from the evening on his site, also.
I found a new dream toy while reading blogs tonight--I want one of these! I really thought that these things were a lot more expensive, but if anyone out there has $100 to throw around, feel free to send one of these my way. My birthday's not 'til November, but that's OK. :^)
Speaking of birthdays, Matt turns 34 on Wednesday. Everyone go wish him a happy-happy!
I have volunteered to "facilitate" our Wednesday night meetings for March. This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and I think it will be a good time. I'm planning the liturgy of the hours, and Alan is supposed to get us some ashes from the Anglicans. If you think of it, pray that I don't screw up too badly.
Update: Apparently the link I originally used for the Apple Store page where the Wacom Graphire2 Quartz Graphics Tablet is listed times out after a while, so I had to make some adjustments. Anyway, isn't it lovely?