Tuesday, March 11, 2003
I've found another blog that I probably will be checking in on daily: Lt. Smash, subtitled "Live From The Sandbox". I heard about it on the Rush Limbaugh radio show yesterday. It's the blog of a soldier stationed overseas (I'm guessing near Iraq, although he doesn't give specifics, for obvious reasons). He can tell it better than I can--here's an excerpt from his "Orientation" section, in which he tells what personal details he can: "L.T. Smash is a reserve officer in the United States Military who has been recalled to active duty and deployed overseas in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. This website is an online journal of his adventures."
I'm wondering if there are other soldiers blogging their stories about what it's truly like to be "over there", doing a job and trying not to let the bureaucrats or the "anti's", as one commenter called them, get in the way or get them down. I've said here and in comments on other blogs: I'm not "for war", in general, but once the boys are there, it's not productive or peace-producing to bash the soldiers for doing their job. Bash the politicians all you want, but leave those boys (and girls) alone. That's all I'm gonna say, for now. I pray for the safety of our troops and for the safety of the non-combatants. I also pray that Saddam Hussein gets a clue and does what is needed to avert war, although I'm not sure that that boat hasn't already sailed.