Saturday, March 08, 2003
I went out with a couple of women from my former church last night, to give Liz the business, literally and figuratively, at the Mac Shack. While we were talking, one of them told me that the pastor is thinking of posting large signs over the exits that say: "The meeting is over--now the service begins." If they really mean it, it's a definite step in the right direction for them.
I've been hanging out quite a bit at Real Live Preacher lately. It's an "anonymous" blog, in that he doesn't give any identifying details about himself--something that I've been thinking about doing myself on a separate blog. Anyway, RLP gets down (and sometimes dirty) about what Christianity ought to be and ought not to be. Here's a quote from his own story:
"You did understand there was more to this than religious TV and the drivel they sell in those awful Christian bookstores, right? After all, Christianity didn’t sustain itself for twenty centuries by shitting Hallmark cards before a live studio audience."
How he got to that point makes for very interesting and enlightening reading, as does the rest of the blog. And, I think I'm gonna have to steal some of the graphics from there. Very cool![/plug]