Saturday, March 15, 2003
I finally went on Thursday to renew my license plate. It was only four months overdue, and they dared to send me a second notice last week! The nerve of them! :^) But, that's one more thing checked off on my list towards being fiscally responsible--I have a few more outstanding debts that I hope to resolve with my income tax return money (which return I will file this weekend!). But, bonus!, because I waited so long, I got one of the new license plates, which most people I talk to think is stupid because of the smiley-face sun, but I think is actually pretty nice. It's so perky and colorful! Since there are divided loyalties, I thought I'd take an informal poll in the comments--do you like the new design? Oh, yeah, another little selling point--right between the 2 sets of numbers, there's a hologram of the silhouette of Kentucky with an "02" in it--I guess to thwart counterfeiters. Pretty nifty!