Thursday, July 25, 2002

I've adopted a habit I picked up from one of my co-workers, Krasi Bratoeva (I got her last name wrong in a previous blog--sorry, Krasi). She keeps a journal with her all the time at work, and writes during breaks and lunch and any down time. I'm not that disciplined, but I have decided to keep a notebook at my desk and jot things down when they strike me. Then when I come in here to blog, I can remember that wonderfully witty or pithy tidbit I just had to share at noon. Plus, it's less annoying than leaving it all on my best friend's voice mail, which I read in another blog. :) So now I have three days' worth of random notes here, and I'll try to remember what they all mean.

I was listening to CD's while working the other day and needed a little spiritual uplifting, so I popped in Watermark's "All Things New", which I thought was their newest, but I just found out they have a new one out. I'm behind in my collection! I really enjoy their music, partly because Christy Nockels sings in my range, so I can buy all her accompaniment tracks, but mostly because their lyrics are so deep and real. For example, the song that really touched me the other day is called "My Heart, Your Home." I thought it would be a really good song to play during Communion to meditate to. Here are the lyrics:

Come and make my heart Your home
Come and be everything I am and all I know
Search me through and through
'Til my heart becomes a home for You
Chorus: A home for You, Lord
Let everything I do open up
A door for You to come through
And that my heart would be a place
Where You want to be....
(Repeat above)
Bridge: You are my portion, filling up everything
You are the fortune, that's causing my heart to sing
That it's amazing... That You could make Yourself at home with me
(Repeat verse 1)

It's a wonderful, quiet guitar song, so very contemplative that I nearly cry whenever I hear it. I highly recommend all of Watermark's music. I can't wait to get hold of their new album and listen to what's new with them. Check out their website (linked above); it's very well done artistically.

I was listening to the Bob and Sheri show yesterday morning and they had Cyndi Lauper on, interviewing her about her new album and new tour with Cher. I was really glad to hear that Cyndi is still in there, since she was one of my favorite artists at the time of her hits, "True Colors" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." I thought she was way more fun than Madonna. She just seems to suit my personality better. Scary, huh?

Sometimes, when I'm tired of listening to CDs and haven't been to the library for books on tape, I listen to talk radio. I was listening to Glen Beck or Rush or somebody today and they were talking about all the companies going bankrupt due to shady accounting practices and such, and I thought to myself, "I came this close to being an accountant. Thank God I didn't become an accountant!!" I feel sorry for anyone who has to try to sort out all this mess going on right now. It's not going to be pretty for a lot of folks when it's over. It almost makes me glad I don't have a bunch of money invested in a 401K.

Some guy from here in Lexington just won $41 million in the PowerBall lottery. Says he's gonna retire and play a lot of golf. Makes me want to go out and buy a ticket.

Most of us from VBCC are supposed to get together Sunday for brunch and the new Austin Powers movie. I'm excited--I've been waiting a long time for the new one to come out. Should be fun! I'm also supposed to go berry picking at a local orchard on Saturday with some of the girls from work. They got some good blackberries last weekend. Cobblers, here I come!!

posted by #Debi at 8:29 PM | permalink | 0 comments


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